Photo Albums
50th Reunion Farmers Barn

50th Reunion Dinner/Dance

50th Reunion Sunday Brunch

50th Reunion Additional Events

45th Reunion

40th Reunion

High School Memories

Classmate Gatherings
1986 Class Reunion Photo
Bob Weaver, Mary Kennedy 
DiGrappa, Henry Kaanta,
Becky Janowski Kolberg,
Jim Milam, Kathy Head
Slaughter, Jan Graue Kordish, Darryl Larson
2006 Ensemble - from left: Kathy Head Slaughter, Faye Lykou Fogel, Jane Cromwell Mastrini, Jan Graue Kordish, Pegi Johnson Casey, Kathy Lotito Vorhees, and Margie Floyd Murray
Farmers 5K - left to right: Jane Cromwell Mastrini, Susan Richardson, Kathy Lotito Voorhees, Pam Mitchell Zinanti, Dave Zinanti, Scott Cromwell
1965-1966 Cheerleaders!
Tia Tyler, Kay Lowder, Susie Bebber, Pat Sartore Phillips, Judy Kifer DeCook, Leslie Rains Rader
Reunion Committee Members:  Bob Knott, Judy Kifer DeCook, Dianne Corbetta Connolly, Kay Dwyer Rees, July 2015
Chicks of 66 - 2014 Luncheon ~ Front row from left: Kathy Head Slaughter, Kathy Lotito Vorhees, Dianne Corbetta Connolly, Vicki Collins Bruno. Standing from left: Claudia Cowell Abbott, Tracy Tewell Welch, Pam Mitchell Zinanti, Joan Robbins Prichard, Jane

Bob Knott and his sister Judy travel to 1000 yr old Grey Abbey in No. Ireland
Bob K. and his wife Judy at Naples Museum in Italy
Bob K. joined German teachers in demonstration for more pay at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
75th birthday celebration in Frisco CO.  Amy Novakovich Holler; Pam Diehl Whitaker; Dianne Corbetta Connolly; and  Kay Dwyer Rees

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Bob K (upper right), sister Judy and wife Judy just to his right. Then visiting Larimer County CO cousins.
Bob K. and wife Judy T.

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Further Occasions and Happenings
Bob K. (left center) & his book club gather for annual book selection event
Bob K. at Winter Park
Bob K. - 50th college class reunion - Stanford CA
Pat Sartore Phillips and Judy Kifer DeCook celebrating our October birthdays
Dianne Corbetta Connolly, Kay Dwyer Rees, Judy Kifer DeCook celebrating Kays birthday
Dianne Corbetta Connolly Judy Kifer DeCook, Kay Dwyer Rees & husbands celebrating Connollys 50th wedding anniversary
Amy Novakovich Holler, Pam Diehl Whitaker, Diane Corbetta Connolly, Kay Dwyer Rees
Bob Knott & Zen friends volunteer at Metro Caring food bank

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