WRHS – The Sixties: Annual Pot Luck Picnic
Saturday, August 3, 2024 from 12:00 - 4:00 pm

Greetings to the WRHS class of 1966 ~
We are chiming in with springtime cheer and with hope that our classmates are all faring well.  And we would like to share the happy news that the annual WRHS picnic is returning for another summer.  The class of '63, under the guidance of Terry Ten Eyck and his faithful committee, has once again rallied to orchestrate another celebration of the mighty Farmers from the graduating classes of the 1960's and the 1970's.  The event is scheduled for Saturday, August 3, 2024 from 12:00 - 4:00 pm at Prospect Park in Wheat Ridge. All you need to bring is a dish to share; a beverage for yourself; and some great stories and memories to pass along.  It is also a wonderful opportunity to meet new Farmer friends from other classes. For those of you who live out of state, why not make it a long weekend?  Come back to the ‘homeland’ to recapture all the unique amenities and activities that a Colorado summer has to offer. Detailed information can be found in the attached flier as well as on our website: wrhs66.myevent.com . Thanks again to Terry and his committee members for pulling this event together each year.  He is on the hunt for new folks to come aboard to help keep this tradition alive and active. If you might be interested, Terry's contact information is included in the attachment.  Note that the committee’s request for $40 per class to help defray costs of the gathering has been paid out of our 1966 reunion fund.  We will send a reminder email as the event approaches. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP to the picnic, please contact us at wrhs@gmail.com .

In our last letter, we shared the updates we have recently added to our website.  There are three new categories in the photo section of which you are able to share some of your adventurous travels, family activities, and impactful events with others. These may give other classmates new ideas or inspiration for social outreach or journeys. Please check out the recent postings at: wrhs66.myevent.com . Click on the menu button at the top right of the screen, then go to Photo Albums and scroll down to find these categories: Travel; Family (grandkids, etc.); and Occasions/Happenings (personal events or groups that may be of interest, etc.). To view the captions, click on the photo.  

NOTE:  If you would like to share some photos of your own adventures, please send them to our Gmail account at wrhs66@gmail.com rather than uploading them to the wrhs website. Be sure to add a caption to each picture which identifies the key people and places as appropriate. It is asked that you limit your pix to three for each of the categories. We will correspond with you if we have questions or suggestions. 

Communication is paramount in maintaining the ability of our group to contact each other upon request and with permission through the website. So, let’s keep the stellar Farmers of ’66 connected via wrhs66@gmail.com and/or wrhs66.myevent.com .

We are including a list of classmates whose email addresses are no longer current from our 50th reunion database.  If you have stayed in contact with any of these folks, or if you might be willing to sleuth out any of these ‘missing’ chums, please let us know at: wrhs66@gmail.com .

Be sure to pass along the picnic information to any WRHS graduates you may know from the sixties and the seventies.

We hope you are relishing the beauty and energy that comes with Spring.

Bob Knott, Kay Dwyer Rees, Judy Kifer DeCook, Dianne Corbetta Connolly 



Virginia Anderson, Larry Backlund, Tom Baird, Tom Barclay, Bob Clark, Dave Brock, Dave Capra, Mike Casey, Dave Cribari, Bobette Denman, Bob Ellis, Richard Ewing, Cheryl Fusetti, Judy Hatcher, Dave Hughes, Denyce Golightly, Bob Haefliger, Christi Johnson, Dave Mallory, Cindy Prosser, DeeAnn Peterson, Bill Palmer, Chuck Repsis, Pam Scott, Harold Smethills, Carol Stokes, Adrienne White, Barbara Toll, Susan Travelbee, Margi Watson